john from his first wife and susan from dick horton. who was she? what was she like? i think the best way to describe her is a woman that always wanted to be a mother, was proud to be a mother, even though she had a great education, her passion was to be a good mother. susan, then 39, and john 37, each had two children from their first marriages. friends say that when they met each other, they made an instant connection. vesta hall was a nurse in john s clinic. she was beautiful, vivacious, intelligent, just a really neat lady. i told some people at the clinic i wish i had someone that would look at me the way john looks at susan. two years after their first date, they married at a local country club. dr. steve jimerson, a colleague of john s, was best man. oh, they were la-la. he fawned over her a lot. the doctor and his wife built an envious lifestyle for
class= nosel noCC > 01008&q=john hamilton >John Hamilton 15, Dr. Hamilton 10, John 9, Dr. John Hamilton 8, Susan Hamilton 4, Oklahoma 4, Mrs. Hamilton 3, Perry Mason 2, At&t 2, Dick Horton 2, Tom Bevel 1, Hamilton House 1, Heaven 1, Val Valentine 1, Overkill 1, Valentine Daily 1, Citi 1, Flunlgonned 1, Chicago 1, Vesta Hall 1 Network NBC Duration 01:00:00 Language English Tuner Channel 80 (561 MHz) Video Codec mpeg2video Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 528 Pixel height 480 Audio/Visual sound, color