both alluded to a moment ago, this is about something much goo.r than eileen look, she s supported by she s sponsored s by victoria s secret louis vuitton. the chinese companies like ultra, which uses chinesen forced labor to bring in cotton to make the shoes and athletic apparel that these athletes make money off of. and these corporate ceos somewhat tied to the point you were making a little bit earlier about the inherenter weakness in american corporations. and i would addic to that the inherent immorality off capitalism devoid from a moral principled grounding iswe what we re looking at here because there s not a an americn company. honestly, tucker , there s veryv few american companiesea that wouldn t and haven t already done the same thing as eileen goup. they ve already turned t their back on the united states of america in exchange for chinese riches and that s whyhe she s a symbol. you want to look w at something really upset about. it s not the ungrateful child of america. i