fired and i m sure he doesn t need the money or the job and he says i m out of here pretty soon because it s sucking all the joy out of this. we heard that from comedians and other people. they have to be so careful they can even be funny. charles barkley is a funny guy and the problem with being woke and being funny just don t go together. they don t mix. the sad thing is even though being woke and being politically correct is supposedly about bringing us closer together, humor brings us together even if it means laughing at ourselves, even if it means laughing at our friends and a good spirited way. i think charles barkley is totally right but he s putting his finger on a more important issue that goes beyond the jokes. shannon: he is very funny i think. very irreverent. i don t think he takes him self seriously. we have to be able to laugh at ourselves in fits and good nature and i think oftentimes it is with him. i am not tracking his every word