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This is the first book to provide a detailed history of the military parachute and its use to revolutionize warfare. The author provides an impressively researched account, and a very good b&w photo-plate section gives illustration in support of the text. – Very Highly Recommended
NAME: Airborne Landing To Air Assault, A History of Military Parachuting
FILE: R3274
AUTHOR: Nikolaos Theotokis
PUBLISHER: Pen and Sword
BINDING: hard back
PRICE: £25.00
GENRE: Non Fiction
SUBJECT: Parachute, paratroop, air assault, air landing, vertical insertion, light
infantry, shock troops, elite troops, covert operations, special forces, high value
targets, hold till relieve
ISBN: 1-52674-699-9
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The Air World imprint is proving to be the home of some outstanding aviation history and this new book looks at safety through the eyes of a flight test engineer who has worked on some of the finest and most innovative aircraft of the post WWII period. The author provides a very readable narrative, offers fresh insights and is supported by a fine selection of images, many in full colour. – Very Highly Recommended
NAME: Safety Is No Accident, From V Bombers To Concorde, A Flight Test
Engineer s Story
FILE: R3271
AUTHOR: John R W Smith
PUBLISHER: Air World, Pen and Sword