would pardon trump. he reached out to thos reacheden trump voters and they like that. the second thing he s doing is he s he s greatg is he isn on the issues. he s 1 to 3 very crisp ition.n his presentation. and i think he s going to keepmp rising. with respect to desantis, desantisaign is campaign is lik a playbook that was written six months ago, but it doesn t now. they ve got to get off this budi light stuff. they ve got to get off all thiss this particular issue and move on to the issuesou alluded to.t and i think also desantis campaign needs to recognize that they rose he became a great governor here in florida because he was viewe ads as being florida s version of donald trump. well, you can t be florida s versio dd trump t going n of dof you re not going to be sort of desadonald trump nationally, even though trump is called the sanctimonious and all these otheer ter terms.i woul if it were me running that campaign, i would have a full throated of donald trump.r indi i would be