In the 1940s and ‘50s, Tommy Glasco had a second-hand store on East Liberty Street.
Just inside the front door was a glass jar filled with used dentures and anyone who needed new choppers could just step inside and try the used false teeth on for size. Or maybe swap old dentures for new ones, or for something else in the Wooster store.
As long as Tommy was in business, the denture jar was on display.
Here are more interesting facts from past ‘Bits and Pieces’ columns.
For a period of time, Wooster had two proud entries in the Guiness Book of World Records. One was local celebrity Vernon Craig (“Komar the Hindu Fakir”) who on July 24, 1971 spent 25 hours, 20 minutes and 15 seconds lying on a bed of nails in the front window of the Wooster Chamber of Commerce offices on the square.