The equinox in spring symbolizes the return of sunlight, warmer weather, flower blooms, and is observed throughout the cultures in form of various festivals or events. First Day of Spring 2023 Images & Spring Equinox HD Wallpapers for Free Download Online: Wish Happy Spring With Quotes, Greetings and Messages on Vernal Equinox.
Equinox is a day with equal periods of day and night. Hence, the vernal equinox holds great significance in understanding geographical scenarios. It also marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere. First Day of Spring 2023 Date: When Is Vernal Equinox? Know History and Significance About the Start of Spring Season in the Northern Hemisphere.
On Monday, March 20, at 5:24 p.m., the spring equinox, when the sun passes exactly over the equator, will officially usher in the new season. Let us celebrate the onset of Spring sharing loveliest collection of Happy Spring 2023 wishes, Happy First Day of Spring 2023 greetings, images, quotes and more! First Day of Spring 2023 Wishes & Greetings: GIF Images, WhatsApp Messages and Quotes To Share With Your Loved Ones on Arrival of Spring Season.
Between the two solstices, the equinoxes mark the start of spring and autumn.
These are the spring or vernal equinox and the autumn equinox.
Astronomers at the Royal Observatory Greenwich said: At two points in the year the Sun will illuminate the northern and southern hemispheres equally. These are known as the equinoxes: the autumnal equinox and vernal or spring equinox.
The name equinox comes from the Latin words aequus or equal and nox or night.
The vernal equinox marks the change from winter to spring
When is the spring equinox this year?
The equinoxes always fall on a date towards the end of March or September.