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What Keeps Vermont Up at Night
A recent study of a random selection of patients at the Community Health Center of Vermont in Burlington examined how well Vermonters sleep. Seven of the 30 respondents reported having a formal diagnosis of sleep apnea and about half (16/30) reported having trouble falling asleep at least several times each week. The most common barriers to sleep included the use of electronics in the sleep environment (60% ), caffeine use and co-sleeping arrangements. Other high barriers included insomnia due to COVID-19 worries and financial concerns.
Prescription Drug Disposal
A study about prescription medication found that only 56% of Vermonters surveyed were aware of the states’ drug take-back programs, which are designed to stop prescription opioid-related deaths. Disposing prescription medication by flushing it down the toilet or sink can cause contamination of surface and ground water. Disposal sites for prescription drugs are loc