A whistleblower from OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) has recently gone public describing laboratories found in buildings in Ukraine bombed by Russians where children are being kept in basements where their organs are being harvested. Vera Vayiman, who is a member of OSCE and worked in Ukraine as part of an international monitoring mission, made the horrifying revelations in a video interview that corroborates earlier reports from the Russian military and even from the Ukrainian military themselves, who have openly bragged that they harvest organs of children and body parts for cash. According to Vera Vayiman, who shared her testimony about what she personally witnessed during her time in Ukraine, the children are shipped out of the country under a grain export code. This report by The People's Voice also includes a clip from a speech by Tim Ballard, a former Special Agent for the Department of Homeland Security who was assigned to the Internet Crimes Ag