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When it comes to business and finance, the venture capital market is constantly evolving. The rise in SPACs and rolling funds are just a couple of components that contribute to this growth, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. Kathleen Entwistle, private wealth advisor at Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management, Jim McCann, chairman at
Worth and chairman and founder of 1-800-FLOWERS and Slava Rubin, founder and managing partner at humbition and founder and CEO of Indiegogo recently offered their insight on the changing dynamics in venture funding.
For starters, COVID-19 had a big impact on how we handle money. “In America, in the world, we’re seeing the zero interest rate environment,” Rubin said. “And in the zero interest rate environment, everybody’s trying to figure out where to get yield. And alternatives are definitely one of those options. And when it comes to alternatives, you have private companies being one of those ma