income contingent loan. you graduate from college. if you owe money and you go into a venture fund capitalist, you make a million dollars, you pay it all back. if you go in at the lower edges of journalism, let s say, or philosophy professor, you pay it back a small amount each year. i also think the colleges need to have skin in the game. if they advertise, if they charge these amounts, kids come, they don t graduate or they graduate and don t get jobs, i think colleges need to give some of that money back. do you think colleges are adapting to the new reality of the job market? do you think they re still delivering a product the way they did 20 years ago and it is not quite the same? some are. there is a big fight right now you probably know about these massive open online korsz. big announcement. georgia tech using a company in palo alto i m on their advisory board is going to offer a master s agree in computer technology for $6,000 that used to cost $40,000.