Ventura County Elections Divisions confirmed that on Feb. 5 Vote by Mail ballots were mailed to all registered voters in Ventura County for the March 5 Presidential Primary Election.
It is officially election season and registered voters should be receiving their official ballots for California's Mar. 5 Presidential Primary in the mail soon.
Ventura County Registrar of Voters Michelle Ascencion gave the first of five presentations to the Ventura County Board of Supervisors on Oct. 17 on aspects of running for office, election
Sweet Incumbent Nathan Sweet has secured his reelection to Moorpark Unified School District Area 1 race, beating former Moorpark High School teacher Raymond Hebel. Sweet finished the race with 56.65% of the vote (1,683 votes), according to the Ventura County Registrar of Voters. Throughout the race, Sweet maintained a steady lead over retired teacher Ray