pro-life activists that thatt sy simply sanctums and abortion clinics. those folks can t findose thes fe people that are making callsde n through federal agency hotlines ,sending police officers to i mn swat my home. soot i m not so sure about whatt happening there in the department of justice fbi, buci. nt t but the biden administration and their ideology, what they want to d o is they noei longer care about law enforcement. they re communist. and so they want to abuse our law enforcement agencies, alagencies al the way from washe d.c. to local police and uset them against our politicalart ot enemies. there is violence at the heart of their there er abouts no doubt about . congressman markey, that. taylor greene, thank you forconr greene, thank you. thank you t telling us . thank you. thank you, tucker. more news straight ahead.. gentlemen, please welcome to the stage blake m.. this may be the most significant midterm elections
ultimately, we have to be prepared to organize civil society, the center of the society. church groups, corporations, labor unions, coming together, they disagree about a lot of things. they agree we need free and fair elections, and comply with the rule of law. it may take the american people, getting out into the streets, to assure them, to have a free and fair election in 2024. as about to say, we will speak to michigan attorney general, precisely about that, coming up later in the show. great to see you, as always, for your insights. coming up, to that point, how much will the big lie influencer next elections? the michigan race that tests the staying power of trump s big legacy. just ahead. later, remember the math books governor ron desantis said would, quote, indoctrinate students? tonight, we track them down. he will show us what he had and it s a great story. trust me, you don t want to mess up. nt t mess up. claritin provides non-drowsy symptom relief
looked like in january of 77. fewer than half of the workforce was made up of women. that is not the case now. if we re there, we ve got bigger problems here with our labor participation rate. so, look, it s not clear what s holding things back? is it generous unemployment benefits or is it low wages? is it the lack of child care? all of it may play a role. as we shop and order food online more and commute to work less all as a result of this pandemic, the question is, are these short-term adjustments or long-term behavioral shifts that will result in fewer workers being needed? when we come back, former president trump back on the stage. does the republican party need him or need him to go away? nt t truthfully, it s frustrating to see how fast dust reappears. but dusting with a cloth is a pain. and dealing with a bulky vacuum.. . is such a hassle. uchhh!!! so now we use our swiffer sweeper and dusters. the fluffy fibers? they pick up dust easily. grabbing it in all those hard-to-r
how many nights does that kid go to sleep, seeing that image in his head, dealing with it. en t t about switching to geico, frankly, you re missing out. uh. the mobile app makes it easy to manage your policy, even way out here. your marshmallow s. get digital id cards, emergency roadside service, even file a. whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa. whoa! oops, that cheeky little thing got away from me. my bad. geico. it s easy to manage your policy whenever, wherever. can i trouble you for another marshmallow?
camp. remember that? president trump is now deploying the american military to the border, roughly 470 troops for every one migrant who was charged the last time a caravan approached in april. but the president might not think that s cynical nativist move is enough tore for his base a week ahead of the election. we ll tell you what he just told axios about his impending intent to sir couple can vent t circumvent the constitution. we have with us richard haas, caddie kay, jeffrey goldberg and jim van dehei with us.