the thing about the obama presidency is that the president is supposed to work with a congress where the house is controlled by republicans who will not let his proposals pass. according to the beltway understanding of things, president obama might as well propose building a colony on the moon and naming it after newt gingrich. he may as well propose that than ask congress to do something, anything about jobs because this congress is dedicated to doing as little as what president obama wants as they possibly can. help the economy? lunar economy, you say. today, president obama took his case for fixing income inequality to an warehouse in chattanooga, tennessee, which is an interesting choice of venn withdrew. an odd deliberative frame. interesting considering the jeff bizos of amazon amassed a fortune of $25 billion in counting. while workers sweated away in warehouses evocative of a charles dickens title.
with my kids. now that you told me, i m thinking oh, my goodness. it s out there. it s scary for me to think that way. reporter: her fear captures one of the great paradoxes of the digital age. half a century ago george orwell imagined a society in which our every movement is monitored by an all-seeing figure called big brother. today, big data has far more ability than any venn other belle well imagined to see, record, analyze everything we do. to know much of what we think, but one thing would surely surprise other well. instead of citizens demanding their privacy, they can t wait to give it away. if the root end is behaving like a moron, i think a lot of people are willing to give up their privacy, sense of shame, give up their embarrassment. reporter: the problem is, there s not enough fame or fortune for everyone with a digital camera and a broad band
tribal members have dual citizenship. luckily for us, cheap gas is easy to come by. there are no stations, you just keep an eye out for the cans. moegs of these guys are from venn way la. they re able to legally buy and sell gasoline. having taken on as much gas as can be siphoned in one sitting, we re off again. let me set the scene, it s hot out here, desert hot. and we plan to ride three hours
tribal members have dual citizenship. luckily for us, cheap gas is easy to come by. there are no stations, you just keep an eye out for the cans. moegs of these guys are from venn way la. they re able to legally buy and sell gasoline. having taken on as much gas as can be siphoned in one sitting, we re off again. let me set the scene, it s hot out here, desert hot. and we plan to ride three hours along the coast to our lunch spot.
before our eyes that should have been a given after newtown, recommend a more economic strategy to hit the industry and the nra in their pocketbook. what you seem to be saying is you re admitting defeat in the legislative terms of this debate, politically you re saying we have to do something economic? i will i m only going to contest admitting defeat on one level. the game is rigged because the fra has such a stranglehold on legislative process. we were talking about most issues, we nigmight not have to feel quite so pessimistic. i think you re essentially right, that now let s turn to where our strength would be which would be the economic venn withdrew. okay. financial firms and hedge funds invested $79 million during the last quarter of 2012. the same time, roughly, that newtown happened. how much of a role does wall street play in financing the gun industry that then spreads these weapons throughout the nation?