the supreme court justice, clarence thomas, has been in the hospital for the last week with flu light symptoms. today the 73-year-old justice was released from the hospital , for the court. although the court has not offered any details per his condition or his weeklong s day. while he was hospitalized, however, more damning evidence came to light. tying his wife, virginia thomas, to donald trump s attempted coup. you might have heard of ginni thomas, as she s called before. in addition to being on the she s a right-wing activist who believe the 2020 election was stolen from donald trump. she attended the washington d. c. rally on january 6th before the insurrection. the one where trump whipped up the crowd and encourage them to march to the capitol. and now the washington post has a 21 urgent text messages that she sent to the venn chief of staff, mark meadows, in the weeks after the election. in support of trump s coup attempt, two days after the
get my wife s name out your [ bleep ] mouth. wow, dude. it was a g.i. jane joke. keep my wife s name out of your [ bleep ] mouth. i m going to. okay? okay. that was the greatest night in the history of television. i don t know about greatest. just 45 minutes later smith won best actor for his role as venn news and serene yeah williams s father king richard. stephanie elam was in the room when it happened. i didn t see it live. when i see it, it s almost disbelief. he hit him in the face and the comments afterwards. you said you heard him making contact? you could hear it. that s when everybody in the doll by theater realized this was not a bit, not part of a staged little act.
believe the 2020 election was stolen from donald trump. she attended the washington d.c. rally on january 6th before the insurrection. the one where trump whipped up the crowd and encourage them to march to the capitol. and now the washington post has a 21 urgent text messages that she sent to the venn chief of staff, mark meadows, in the weeks after the election. in support of trump s coup attempt, two days after the election, quote, she sent meadows a link to our youtube video labeled, trump staying, with cia director by steve pathetic. the biggest election story in history. pathetic, the man behind the crazy, since deleted video tom ascent, is a far-right commentator who believe the 2020 election was stolen. and that the sandy hook shooting was a false flag operation, perpetrated by the u.s. government. in that same exchange, thomas went on to reference of right wing conspiracy that echoes rhetoric of the qanon
Venn Life Sciences Holdings PLC (LON:VENN – Get Rating)’s share price passed above its 50 day moving average during trading on Friday . The stock has a 50 day moving average of GBX 6.85 ($0.09) and traded as high as GBX 7 ($0.09). Venn Life Sciences shares last traded at GBX 6.85 ($0.09), with a […]
Venn Life Sciences Holdings PLC (LON:VENN – Get Rating)’s stock price crossed above its fifty day moving average during trading on Thursday . The stock has a fifty day moving average of GBX 6.85 ($0.09) and traded as high as GBX 7 ($0.09). Venn Life Sciences shares last traded at GBX 6.85 ($0.09), with a […]