it be? billionaire if investor bill ackman tweeted last night, sillen con valley bank customers will get around 50% monday/tuesday, and the balance realized over the next 3-6 months. if this proves true, i d expect bank runs monday morning. no company will take even a tiny chance of losing a dollar of deposits as there s no reward for this risk. after the systemwide fdic system deposit guarantee, more bank runs begin monday a.m. a whole lot of officials including treasury secretary janet yellen are trying to calm fear today. she points out it s highly unlikely, take a listen. the american banking system is really safe and well capitalized. it s resilient. we want to make sure that the troubles that that exist at one bank don t create contagion to others that are sound. svb s one of the top 20 commercial banks in the country with over $200 billion in assets. current customers include shopify, etsy, fitbit, roku and ziprecruiter. here s house speaker ken mccarthy on sunday
i will happily give a tip. i will not i m with you. for passivity. no, you tip for service, and it should be feint on that service dependent on that that service and your reaction to it. the very idea that every time you re presented with these pads, and i love the glare, would you like to make a tip? i m not never pet a burning dog. compulsory tipping is not a tip, that s a fee. i don t like it. i hate the idea, and the has become, this pad that they present, shove in your face, it s become a weapon, and it turns me off and i think a lot of people. i m a big tipper, gillian. i think you know that about me. you throw down the benjamins. my venmo handle, do you have a pen? it s gillian h turner. thank you. i was at a bakery the other there s this french bakery in the my neighborhood, and i went up to the counter and got, i didn t even get a coffee, i just