the mayor s office is calling this report a false attack saying in part to be clear mayor adams made a photo copy of a photograph of officer venable that was printed in an nypd transit news bulletin from november, 1987 which mayor adams still has possession of to this day and which the times saw. with us now is meredith benson the niece of robert venable and she joins me now. meredith, thank you for being here. you told the new york times initially that you would be disappointed if that story about the photo in his wallet were true. i wonder, do you still feel that way? to me it is not about the photo. what i am upset about is just that the new york times wants to use the legacy of my uncle to discredit the mayor. that is not what my family is interested in at all.
Clark and Venable Elementary Schools going ahead with their new names. However Charlottesville City Schools is putting a pause for now on the renaming of Burnley-Moran and Johnson Elementary, but it’s not for the reason some think.
As Carter’s last attorney general, he fought for the release of Americans held by Iran and investigated allegations against two aides and the president’s brother.