They were beaten and shot to death. Among those indicted with a triple slaying were six men identified as members of the ku klux klan. None have been barred been brought to trial. In this automobile, men was cut by a shotgun blast while writing through georgia. Fousted for the crime were r knights of the ku klux klan. Months, 13short alleged members of the ku klux klan said to be involved in these murders. You are completely at their mercy. Their atrocities and violence can be visited on anybody that disagrees with them in any given situation. What started as a joke 100 years ago when a group of men for a romp hass over the years attracted to it persons charged with acts of harassment, intimidation and violence throughout the south. It is a nation has been outraged for many years, the ku klux klan persists with its bizarre rituals and trappings. 100 years is a long time for a joke. Cbs reports presents the ku klux klan the invisible empire. Here is charles crawled kerrault. The ku klux