The Hawaiʻi State Climate Commission released reports suggesting investing in clean transportation alternatives that promote walking, biking, rolling and transit, will help address climate change.
/PRNewswire/ The "California Low Carbon Fuels Standard Outlook on Demand, Supply and Pricing of Credits" report has been added to s.
Rincon tribal council Chairman Bo Mazzetti (left) gives the oath of office to reelected 5th District Supervisor Jim Desmond. Mazzetti says that relations with the County have never been better. Recently The Roadrunner sat down with Bo Mazzetti, longtime chairman of the Rincon Tribal Council and this year’s Newsmaker of the Year for 2022. This
JUDICIAL BAIL TRAINING: Senate Deputy Leader Michael Gianaris (D, WFP - Queens) and State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal (D/WFP-Manhattan), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, introduced legislation to require all judges exercising criminal jurisdiction to undergo annual bail training (S.4397), and a bill to close a loophole allowing judges and justices to avoid investigation from the