California Air Resources Board announced the appointment of Jill
Sherman-Warne as the newest, and the first Native American Tribal
member of the AB32 Environmental Justice Advisory Committee.
Euro NCAP tests will soon include scoring of driver-assistance systems, and Thatcham Research, the UK’s only Euro NCAP accredited partner, is leading the research
Not all highway assist systems are created equal, and it might surprise some of you to learn that the BMW X3’s electrified brother, the iX3, has just topped the likes of the Mustang Mach-E, Cupra Formentor and even the high-tech Polestar 2 and Hyundai IONIQ 5, when it comes to driving autonomously on the freeway.
When researching car security systems, you may have seen the phrase ‘Thatcham approved’ make an appearance, but what does a town in Berkshire have to do with vehicle safety and security? Towards the end of the 1960s, a group of British car insurers joined forces and founded the Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre in the small Berkshire town. However, MIRRC wasn’t a particularly catchy acronym, so it eventually became known simply as ‘Thatcham’.
Flash forward to the late 80’s, and the insurance industry was growing tired of replacing stolen Audi Quattros and Sierra Cosworths, so worked with the government to establish standardised methods of protecting cars from theft. Eventually, Thatcham (the organisation not the town) was approached and tasked with outlining a set of guidelines for car manufacturers, which had the sole purpose of improving the effectiveness and reliability of car security devices. From this, the various different category Thatcham alarms were born.
while driving through illinois in january 2009, the brakes on commercial trucker alphonse maddin s trailer froze, forcing him to wait for more than three hours in freezing temperatures for vehicle assistance. as his limbs began to numb from the cold, he decided he could not wait any longer and left the truck s cargo trailer behind, despite his employer s insistence that he stay until a repair team arrived. for this, he was ultimately fired from his job. the case got to the u.s. court of appeals, and it ruled for the truck driver. maddin won it by the vote of 2-1. and yes, gorsuch was the one dissenting vote against the driver. senate democrats have been using