to tell you. he said, but i was calm. he said, because i m a miner. he s a miner like his brother. and he said, i could see that this was a job well done. i could see that my brother was going to come out. this job was an excellent job. well, there you have it. jonathan, like his brother, a miner. like their father 79-year-old jose vega, a miner, too. it was the love of a brother and of a father that drove jonathan and his father into the mine on the day of the collapse saying we won t wait for a rescue work. we re miners. we will survive. they braved rock falls and were prepared to risk their own life to save richard alex. weller it s got a happy ending. richard alex is now back to the surface and reunited with his family, john. you can imagine the sense of relief, too. even though the rescue effort is meticulously planned, there s a chance something could go wrong and extraordinary coverage of
if she continues to stonewall reporters on questions. steve kornacki, appreciate it. keeping them honest, she said she was unaware of rules on awarding scholarship money to her family, then she said the rules were unclear, then blamed a staffer. the latest from congresswoman eddie bernice johnson. the 911 tapes when the discovery gunman was holding hostages. they were just released tonight and, as expected, they are chilling. i am almost directly behind the suspect, behind a wall. i have visual on his apparatus. i am losing battery on my portable. if somebody else comes in via the garden, there will be a security officer standing by to walk you where i am. hey, vega, he s looking at you to see where you re going. well-being.
the suspect, behind a wall. i have visual on his apparatus. hey, vega, he s looking at you to see where you re going. we need snipers in the windows surrounding where the suspect is. full description on the apparatus on the suspect. like a mini backpack, two canisters on the outside, looks like a propane bottle on the inside, but like two coffee cans surrounded by the propane canister. flashing light in his left hand, almost like a death grip. red luminous light tunsly flashing. same thing on the front strapped around his waist. confirm that the suspect has something in his hand? like a grip, he said, or a button? yes, and suspect is carrying the grip in his left hand, like a death grip. was it wire or batteries or anything associated with that that you can see? like a red led light, like a release button that is continuously flashing. he has a microphone, like a
has been a lonely voice in support ever the president s engagement with president putin. most republicans are very weary of having u.s. officials engaging with the russians at all, especially russian intelligence officers. they are trying to push in the senate today to protect the mueller investigation, underscore that russia did interfere in the 2016 election. also yesterday when you were in that spray, we call it a spray, that meeting where donald trump was asked by cecelia vega of abc whether he thinks vladimir putin is still meddling, she said that the president said no directly to her, that he was looking her in the eye. what did you see? well, i was standing right there just feet away from both of them, and i have talked to other people who were in the room when this happened and we all agree that what happened was relentlessly clear. the president of the united states looked at cecelia. she asked him a question. they were making eye contact. he was addressing her. not once,
of all these wrongdoings? it s not wrongdoings. reporter: nearly a dozen women would likely beg to differ. and today, rose s cbs cohosts took their side. it takes a lot of courage for these women to come forward. reporter: in interviews with the washington post, former employees of the charlie rose show detail unwanted advances, made, they say, by the veteran broadcaster, dating back to the early 90s. one describes a job interview at rose s country home, telling the post, he reached down her pants and she pushed his hands away. as she wept, she said, rose asked her, baby, oh baby, why are you crying? she says did not get the job. kyle godfrey-ryan, the anchorman s former assistant and his production company, says rose would repeatedly walk in front of her naked. she reported this to the show s executive producer, yvette vega, and she was told, that s just charlie being charlie. reporter: vega now says, i failed. it is crushing. i deeply regret not helping them.