it and i couldn t believe that she couldn t believe it we talked about it for a long time and then i decided i had to write it down. you know what if i was wrong . i had to research more about the topic and so i wrote a book it s an issue that really concerns me. his latest most popular book is about the israeli palestinian conflict and has been reprinted several times another one of his passions is writing books for children and young adults in the hope of getting them interested in history one of his books has been translated into arabic . when spring comes around fi vega returns to the middle east they stine to the jordanian capital amman the german protestant institute of archaeology has another research center here to feed vega is visiting the georgian archaeological museum in the amman citadel high school students have come to a reading from his book about the tells. the past he paints
it is not clear that is what they will do here and if it is is going to change any outcome of kavanaugh s confirmation, but, it, you know, you could see it building, right? like, look at how he treated ms. vega, another reporter at the white house a couple of days ago. we played it yesterday. and so there are things that he says that are offensive and in politic, you could see it planted and that is not planned. that is anger and i found it chilling that it is raw anger directed at a woman. and yesterday, it was back to the grievance president, and the trifecta of the grievances, and protecting his oown, himself against the accusations that women have made of him, and it is helping his, his nominee and intimidating women on the democratic side that are likely to come out to vote in november.
do. when repeated airings of this say to us that he was saying i know you are not thinking, you never do. what was that? yeah. well, the transcript is clearly a bit of revisionist history because it seemed pretty clear that he was insulting the reporter in that moment, in a moment where his supreme court nominee is being accused of mistreatment by women, at a moment where women are watching this white house very carefully and at a moment that women are receiving the message that is coming from this presidency. i think it was pretty clear. the president has an acrimonious relationship with the press in general. we all know that. but i think what we saw today in the way he spoke to in the way he treated this reporter miss vega as well as another reporter kaitlan collins, cries something
at midnight it s time to contemplate the firmament some with the help of more or less advanced technology and many with the naked eye today with the new moon the universe looks blended. the milky way passes overhead. it s easy to identify constellations like the big dipper c.v.s. or cassiopeia. and stars that shine with their own name such as vega or dinner. the sky here affords excellent visibility and average of two hundred eighty six nights a year. the degree of darkness in the three thousand square kilometer region ranges
at midnight it s time to contemplate the firmament some with the help of more or less advanced technology and many with the naked eye today with the new moon the universe looks blended. the milky way passes overhead. it s easy to identify constellations like the big dipper c.v.s. or cassiopeia. and stars that shine with their own. such as vega or dana. in. the sky here affords excellent visibility and average of two hundred eighty six nights a year. the degree of darkness in the three thousand square kilometer region ranges