The Salem Central Crime Branch has issued summonses to two individuals, including Namitha's husband, Veerendra Chowdary, in connection with the fraud case related to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Promotional Council. Going into the details, Gopalswamy was defrauded of Rs 50 lakh with the promise of being appointed to the MSME Promotional Council. He reported
Salem: Two men were arrested on Tuesday night for misusing the Union government logo, emblem and the national flag and cheating a Salem resident of 41.
Namitha, who was immensely popular in Tamil cinema at one point in time, and her husband Veerendra Chowdary have announced that they have been blessed with twin baby boys.
Actress Namitha, who was immensely popular in Tamil cinema at one point in time, and her husband Veerendra Chowdary have announced that they have been blessed with twin baby boys.Taking to Instagram, the actress put out a video in which she .