the thing about this shu unit, out of sight, out of mind. the outside world out of sight, out of mind. they probably don t want to know what goes on in here. but sergeant haskins will always have his own reminder of what goes on here. there s a nice little bump right there on the top of my head where a sock full of batteries will leave on top your head. drives the barber crazy. coming up on lockup raw: friend or foe. you don t move until i tell you to move. i don t know them, but i will know them! teenagers, one the few things inmates and officers can bond over. you think you can handle somebody like me? come on [ bleep ]. it s just you and me now. just ha ve tfire r oast the tomatoes. this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you