The cast of newcomers in Street Fighter 6 is arguably the best / most instantly appealing that the series has ever seen after Street Fighter 2, and if you remember back, Jamie was actually the first one we got to see .
Although Street Fighter 6 looks like it's ready to come out firing on basically all cylinders, not everyone is in love yet with the new game's original soundtrack.That apparently won't be as much of an issue .
A couple of days ago, Capcom hosted a developer Q&A; stream that provided fans with the opportunity to ask Director Takayuki Nakayama and Producer Shuhei Matsumoto about Street Fighter 6. In a recent video, Rooflemonger provided a breakdown of some .
Capcom will be holding a special Street Fighter 6 question and answer stream today with the game's two head developers, Director Takayuki Nakayama and Producer Shuhei Matsumoto, offering direct explanations for some of the most prominent inquiries fans still .