absolutely incredible, hoping for the same this year. and finally tonight a story about defying the odds. climber, skateboarder and skier vasu sojitra s right leg was amputated when he was nine months old because of septicaemia. he grew up learning to ski in connecticut and now at the age of 30 he s broken records by climbing and skiing some of the highest mountains in the world on one leg. ski sunday sjennyjones has been to meet him: i am vasu sojitra and i am a professional athlete. at the age of nine months old my leg was amputated from a blood infection called septicaemia. in sports you have to fit a certain mould to be a soccer player, or skater or whatever.
Adventure documentaries are some of the most inspiring films out there; they rev viewers up to push their own boundaries, whether that’s exploring their own backyard more deeply or traveling abroad for adventure. Thursday’s Mountainfilm.
Mountainfilm on Tour brings a selection of culturally rich, adventure-packed and incredibly inspiring documentary films curated from the Mountainfilm festival in Telluride, Colorado. The tour will soon visit the Vail Valley at the Vilar Performing.
Michelle Parker. Caite Zeliff. Brooklyn Bell. This next film is full of big names, big lines, big smiles, and carries a big accomplishment. 'Nexus' is the first feature-length film entirely directed and produced by an all-female team.