In this webinar, two FCIC (Feedstock-Conversion Interface Consortium) researchers will discuss insights gleaned through multiscale characterization on sources of variability, compositional, and structural attributes that impact the biomass value chain.
Drs. Allison Ray from Idaho National Laboratory and Bryon Donohoe from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory will discuss the FCIC Feedstock Variability Team’s work to expand our fundamental understanding of the range and sources of variability in corn stover and pine residues. They will also present on characterization that has not typically been applied to biomass feedstocks and insights into how to anticipate the impacts of variability on bioconversion. This presentation will describe emergent properties of biomass, which arise from underlying physical, chemical, and structural attributes, but exist and interact at spatial scales that increase the complexity of biorefinery operations. The webinar will end with a Q&A session; c