The Vaporized Nicotine Product (VNP) or vape bill aims to save adult smokers lives by giving them access to less harmful alternatives, while laying down strict regulations to protect minors and prevent them from using these products.
Deputy Speaker Wes Gatchalian Deputy Speaker Wes Gatchalian sa
President Duterte can help the country recover from harsh economic effects of the two-year pandemic if he signs the Congress-approved bill that will regulate the vape industry, which provides imprisonment and penalty for those found selling to minors, according to a congressman.
Medical experts on Monday, Jan. 24, urged President Rodrigo Duterte to veto the controversial Vape Bill, reiterating that the measure could bring harm to the public, especially the youth and children.
(Unsplash) The controversial Senate Bill 2239 or the Vaporized Nicotine Product bill seeks to f
An overwhelming majority of the Senate approved on second reading the so-called vape bill with very strict restrictions to ensure minors will not have access to these products and adult smokers are offered a less harmful alternative to cigarettes.
53257 In a voice vote with only one objection, t