Minister of State for Finance Bhagwat K Karad in a written reply to Lok Sabha said that the UPI transactions have grown from 92 crore in FY 2017-18 to 8,375 crore in FY 2022-23 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 147 per cent in terms of volume.
NPCI is an umbrella organisation for all retail payment systems in India. UPI is used for immediate money transfer through mobile devices round the clock.
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According to data with the depositories, FPIs put in a net sum of Rs 8,394 crore in the Indian equities from August 1-18. However, in the first week of August, FPIs had pulled out over Rs 2,000 crore from equities on the back of Fitch downgrading the credit rating for the US., Economy News, Times Now