Study finds teens who vape marijuana twice as likely to injure lungs
Vaping cannabis is associated with a lung disease
Craig Mitchelldyer/AP
FILE - In this April 16, 2019 file photo, a researcher holds vape pens in a laboratory in Portland, Ore. (AP Photo/Craig Mitchelldyer, File)
and last updated 2021-03-03 16:32:13-05
A recent study has found that teens can suffer lung injuries if they vape marijuana.
The study, which was published Wednesday in the Journal of Adolescent Health, found that teens are twice as likely to report wheezing or whistling in their chest after vaping marijuana than using e-cigarettes or smoking cigarettes.
vaping symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, and fever. just because they are safer or perceived to be safer than cigarettes doesn t mean they are safe i think we re now seeing clear evidence that that is not the case anne joins us now anne, good to see you. what is in this vaping liquid it s a whole big chemistry pile along with nicotine and flavorings there s something called propylene glycol it s used in antifreeze, perfume, and that artificial fog you sometimes see at concerts. while generally emistry experimentit isa every time you inhale. such important information tonight, anne thank you for that report really appreciate it on that same topic, ecigarettes to vape marijuana. but today the nation s surgeon general sounding the alarm on pot saying it s thre times more potent than 20 years ago dr. jerome adams is warning pregnant women who use marijuana to ease morning sickness that it could harm their baby s development and teens who use the drug