The money needed for a down payment and closing costs can quickly add up. Learn how to save for a house by creating a savings goal, cutting expenses, and more.
When I win the lottery, I am going to buy one of these to heat my blankets at home. Of course, that would mean that I will have to start playing the lottery, so until then I’ll just have to rely on my cat Myrtle to prep things. Just because you own a home, doesn't mean you're wealthy; some homeowners live in poverty. A LendingTree analysis shows that more than 3 million families who live in owner-occupied homes in the U.S. earn incomes below the poverty threshold for their family. 7.4 million families across the nation earn incomes below their poverty threshold… nearly 9 percent living in poverty! Of the families in poverty, 41 percent live in owner-occupied housing units and 59 percent live in renter-occupied housing units. Montana, Vermont, and Idaho have the largest share of impoverished families living in owner-occupied homes, 55 percent on average. New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey have the smallest share of impoverished families living in owner-o
O Bee Credit Union on Tuesday announced the appointment of Andrew Downin as its new chief executive officer. Downin is an award-winning credit union leader with over two decades of experience in …