Nightside Report Dec. 9, 2020: Woman dies following hit-and-run incident in Pontiac
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DETROIT – A 29-year-old woman has died nearly 48 hours after being struck by a vehicle while crossing a street in Pontiac Monday night.
On Dec. 7, Vannessa Deanes was tragically struck by a Chevy Impala while crossing North Perry Street near Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. The driver fled the scene following the incident.
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29-year-old woman struck in Pontiac hit-and-run dies
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On Dec. 7, Vannessa Deanes was tragically struck by a Chevy Impala while crossing North Perry Street near Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. The driver fled the scene following the incident.
Deanes was listed in critical condition Monday night, and ultimately passed away due to her injuries.
“Vannessa was very happy. Always willing to do whatever you ask her. She loved kids. She loved God. She loved her family,” said friend Janine Russini.
Russini had worked with Deanes for years at the Heritage Baptist Church, where she once helped out with children during Sunday school.