At the September 25-27 Camp David summit, Presidents George W. Bushand Vladimir Putin should put recent U.S.-Russian differences overthe Iraq war behind them and close ranks on rebuilding Iraq anddefeating al-Qaeda. President Bush should request Russian supportfor sending U.S.-led U.N. peacekeepers to Iraq, offer to expandRussian participation in the reconstruction of Iraq, and insistthat Russia cooperate in blocking Iran's nuclear weapons program.
A more economically prosperous Uzbekistan plugged into the global economy would further improve the country’s human rights while enhancing regional security and shielding Central Asia from unwelcome Russian and Chinese inroads.
A few days ago, a former presidential aspirant stirred up controversy when he declared that the escalation of the war between Russia and Ukraine could be a springboard for Africa’s economy. It’s a poor attempt at interpreting international affairs through a realist lens, and such could’ve drawn a rational response if it were uttered to informed […]