We, the undersigned individuals from academia, the professions, the corporate sector, the clergy, and civil society organisations, join all those citizens and groups in condemning the abduction, arrest, detention without due process, and other acts of abusive Presidential and State authority, committed against persons who participated in the Aragalaya Peoples’ Movement. We condemn the acts of […]
Some time ago there was a TV programme on the Elephant/Man conflict. Many participants said the elephants come to the villages as they have been displaced by unplanned industrial structures, and farm lands authorized by the Government, in the name of development. Two good examples are the Mattala International Airport and the Suriyawewa Cricket Stadium. […]
By Lynn Ockersz ‘Big Brother’s’ surveillance lens, Is now at greatly magnified strength, In the Isle thrashed by crisis waves, Piercing every prospect of the land, With scorching interrogatory rays, Aiming to cow into silence, Citizens demanding real change, And the deliverance of Justice, To crime victims long forgotten by time, But all that would […]
By Shamindra Ferdinando Civil society activists are sharply divided over their strategy to deal with the government. The majority of them have found fault with the Sri Lankan Collective for Consensus (SLCC) for undermining the overall civil society strategy by entering into a high profile dialogue with the government. The Sri Lanka Civil Society Forum […]