DELMAR - Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce will partner with Vanguard, Inc., the volunteer division of the Albany Symphony Orchestra, in a collection drive for used musical instruments that benefit hundreds of music-loving students in need in the Capital Region. They will be given to 15 local school districts that lack sufficient instruments for the many Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce will partner with Vanguard, Inc., the volunteer division of the Albany Symphony Orchestra, in a collection drive for used musical instruments that benefit hundreds of music-loving students in need in the Capital Region.
In an effort to promote the better care, appreciation, and utilization of dogs in local communities, this hard-working multisectoral group of volunteers is offering the public basic and advanced K9 training courses. The UPMV K9 Corps recently graduated over two dozen happy pet owners from its two-weekend Basic Obedience Workshop…
The UPMV K9 Corps recently graduated over two dozen happy pet owners from its two-weekend Basic Obedience Workshop held last February 3 and 10. Students and