A woman whos whos whos range is incredible shes won the triple crown of acting out of the the emmy the oscar the tony and has played everything from willis but the 2nd to jason state thems gangster mother in a fast and furious movie i mean the woman has incredible range and i think its because she though she seems to take or acting her craft incredibly seriously just take herself that seriously shes still remains very very down to earth i think thats what gives her particular charm she has i think the exact right mix of of class and sass if you are couldnt agree more you know she doesnt take too seriously but her acting seriously great now youve just seen another film in competition this year days from the renowned time when hes directed signing now. Now ive seen business looks very slow paced. Yes very very slow i betcha past the furious this is slow and well ponderous maybe perhaps but its incredibly good i mean this. Is a master of slow cinema almost the creator of the term slow cin
A woman whos whos whos range is incredible shes won the triple crown of acting you know the the emmy the oscar the tony and has played everything from those with the 2nd to you know jason state thems gangster mother in a fast and furious movie i mean the woman is incredible range and i think its because she though she seems to take or acting her craft incredibly seriously just take herself that seriously shes still remains very very down to earth i think thats what gives her her particular charm she has i think the exact right mix of of class and sass if you will are couldnt agree more you know she doesnt take too seriously but her acting seriously great now youve just seen another film in competition this year days from the renowned time when hes directed simon yeah. Now ive seen business looks very slow paced. Yes yes very very so i bet it passed the furious this is slow and well ponderous maybe perhaps but its incredibly good i mean this. Is a master of slow cinema almost the creato
A woman whos whos whos range is incredible shes won the triple crown of acting out of the the emmy the oscar the tony and has played everything from willis but the 2nd to jason state thems gangster mother in a fast and furious movie i mean the woman has incredible range and i think its because she though she seems to take her acting her craft incredibly seriously she doesnt take herself that seriously she still remains very very down to earth i think thats what gives her particular charm she has i think the exact right mix of of class and sas if you are couldnt agree more you know she doesnt take too seriously but her acting seriously great now youve just seen another film in competition this year days from the renowned time when hes directed signing. Now ive seen business looks very slow paced. Yes very very slow i betcha fast the furious this is slow and well ponderous maybe perhaps but its incredibly good i mean this. Is a master of slow cinema almost the creator of the term slow ci
Is a woman whos whos whos range is incredible shes won the triple crown of acting you know the the emmy the oscar the tony and its played everything from those but the 2nd 2 you know jason state thems gangster mother in a fast and furious movie i mean the woman has incredible range and i think its because she though she seems to take or acting her craft incredibly seriously just take herself that seriously shes still remains very very down to earth i think thats what gives her particular charm she has i think the exact right mix of of class and sass if you will are couldnt agree more you know she doesnt take too seriously but her acting seriously great now youve just seen another film in competition this year days from the renowned time when hes directed signing yeah. Now ive seen business looks very slow paced. Yes very very slow i bet it fast the furious this is slow and well ponderous maybe perhaps but its incredibly good i mean this. Is a master of slow cinema almost the creator of
We are good to go. Welcome everybody. We are back with chatter on books and happily we already disclosed location, one more page books in arlington we take books, wine and chocolate more seriously than we take ourselves. Thank you so much for letting us be here. Thank you so much for coming. Its going to be out in the open. My name is jeanne mcmanus, later were going to be speaking with wil haygood who im honored to meet. The book will talk about a lot of things that talk about tigerland which is Remarkable Book about some really incredible young man at a very difficult time. A couple of the things on tap, random thoughts, i know youre the you. I kind of obsessed with look at bestseller list you hate. I take the bullet for the team but im always interested in something that pops up unexpectedly, and i talked a couple of weeks ago about these books that were decades old popping up, to kill a mockingbird, was a prime example, and we know why and we know why the handmaids tale was there.