Marc kaufman, published by national geographic. Id like to ask to please turn off your cell phone, and please dont take any pictures during the presentation. Fyi, tomorrow in the New York Times in the science section, it will be all about mars and features will be an article by this evenings speaker, mr. Kaufman. Curiosity is a cartsized robot county rover that has been exploring gale crater on mars since landing there august 2012. Nasa launched curiosity in november 2011 from cape canaveral. It took a little over eight months to reach mars. The rovers goal is to investigate the martian climate and geology and determine whether the crater has ever been ever had environmental conditions favorable to life. This is quite an intriguing subject for those interested in the exploration of space and for Science Fiction readers, too. No matter what category you fall into this evenings lecture is sure to fascinate. Marc kaufman has an be a journalist for more than 35 years. He has worked as a sc