Autocrats who would move in. And others would be prey to the chinese and we would lose around the world. We give the ground over to those who have fewer scruples than we have and would only reek devastation and destruction in the world. Great question that is important to take on. I always question that realistic term. Realistic to whom. Some are predicting this is going to lead to what has been referred to based races with russia, china and others are going to look to build more oversea bases. China doesnt have any as far as we know. But there are rumblings that might be a first. So actually in my mind is a good moment for the United States to begin calling for something and i think some circumstances it might be appropriate for a foreign power to be located on an allies soil. I think we need to begin to question again some of the fundamental tenants of our fundamental policy. Bases are meant to threaten. They get talked about spreading democracy often. But i think we see in places li