Kalamaja liiklejates on segadust tekitanud Vana-Kalamaja tänava remonditöödega kaasnenud liikluspiirangud. Tallinna abilinnapea Vladimir Sveti sõnul loodetakse elanike mõistvale suhtumisele.
Deputy Mayor of Tallinn Vladimir Svet (Center) says city authorities are hoping for an understanding attitude from residents of the capital during an €8.6-million redevelopment running from the Kalamaja district and the Old Town, and affecting the busy area around the Balti jaam rail station.
From Monday, roadworks will mean the passage of traffic along Toompuiestee in central Tallinn will be reduced. The work relates to Vana Kalamaja street, which is being redesigned to reduce access to vehicle traffic and providing a landscaped stretch running from the Kalamaja district, to the Old Town.
Reconstruction work on Tallinn's Vana-Kalamaja tänav is set to begin in late August or early September. Tallinn Deputy Mayor Vladimir Svet (Center) told ERR, that the work is expected to take around one year to complete.