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Instead, Grace Presbyterian Church issued a statement saying it hopes it might foster conversation about residential schools in Canada. Upwards of 1,000 unmarked graves have now been confirmed at the sites of former residential schools, which Indigenous children were forced to attend after being taken away from their homes and families. There were more than 130 government-funded, church-run schools across Canada.
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Try refreshing your browser, or Let s not just cover this up : Calgary church hopes for dialogue as CPS investigates vandalism Back to video
Grace Presbyterian associate pastor Jacob Van Pernis said Friday he spent some time sitting on the church’s front steps in the Beltline, watching as some people shook their heads or snapped pictures of the paint as they passed by.
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Instead, Grace Presbyterian Church issued a statement saying it hopes it might foster conversation about residential schools in Canada. Upwards of 1,000 unmarked graves have now been confirmed at the sites of former residential schools, which Indigenous children were forced to attend after being taken away from their homes and families. There were more than 130 government-funded, church-run schools across Canada.
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Try refreshing your browser, or Church leaves paint vandalism in hopes of starting conversation Back to video
Grace Presbyterian associate pastor Jacob Van Pernis said Friday he spent some time sitting on the church’s front steps in the Beltline, watching as some people shook their heads or snapped pictures of the paint as they passed by.
Big Island Planning Commissioner Gets Three Months To Improve Behavior - Honolulu Civil Beat
Big Island Planning Commissioner Gets Three Months To Improve Behavior
The Hawaii County mayor had asked the County Council to remove Leeward Planning Commissioner Mark Van Pernis, saying he was too combative and rude. Reading time: 4 minutes.
KAILUA-KONA, Hawaii A Hawaii County planning commissioner accused of being too combative and rude promised to improve his behavior after being given three months to act more professionally or lose his position.
Last month, Big Island Mayor Mitch Roth asked the county council to remove Leeward Planning Commissioner Mark Van Pernis from the voluntary position, accusing the retired Kailua-Kona attorney of mistreating fellow commissioners, planning department staff and applicants.
Health Department workers take to the streets to give leftover vaccines Published on Thu, 04/29/2021 - 3:32pm
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Mary Crable, middle, smiles and points to the band-aid on her left arm after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine Wednesday evening in downtown Livingston, as Andrew Miller, right, looks on and Park County Health Department employee Alexis Van Pernis, left, signs someone up for the vaccine.
Photo by Noah Raumm
At the end of a near 600-dose COVID-19 vaccine clinic Wednesday, the Park County Health Department found they had nine doses left over.
After efforts calling around yielded only one more vaccine recipient, according to Health Department employee Alexis Van Pernis, the department took to the streets in downtown Livingston, with the doses and supplies in what basically amounted to a tackle box, in search of people yet to be vaccinated.