Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, as loved and cherished as it is by fans, is not a balanced fighting game. Characters like Vergil, Zero, and Dr. Doom are very clearly leaps and bounds better than fighters like Ryu or Phoenix .
Capcom has put out some legendary fighting game intros over the years. Possibly the most recognizable has to be 1994's Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, which features Ryu firing a devastating Hadoken at the camera and that odd scene .
This weekend will see Defend the North return to action in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.Notable players attending the event include XSET|iDom, PG|Punk, Justin Wong, RZR|Umisho, Intel|Razzo, TSM|ChrisCCH, Smug, END|Shine, PAR|Ty .