Although it is known that prosthesis-patient mismatch causes worse outcomes in surgical aortic valve replacement, a new meta-analysis shows this is also the case in transcatheter procedures.
The artificial intelligence decision support algorithm identified patients with moderate to severe forms of aortic disease associated with poor survival if left untreated.
"You have to have this [antibiotic prophylaxis] conversation when you see your patient with a prosthetic valve or who s had endocarditis every time they come in."
Both were led by Sofija Popevska and included a single co-author: Frank Rademakers, a cardiologist at KU Leuven. The problem, according to Rademakers, is that he had nothing to do with the work.
Advanced coronary disease worsens longer term post-TAVR survival, and pre-TAVR angiography-guided PCI doesn t change that, an analysis suggests. But is mortality the only outcome to consider?