Few players of the online video game Free Fire would know that one of their most ferocious opponents — a lithe, gun-wielding warrior in a short kimono and fang mask — is in reality an 81-year-old grandmother from rural Chile LLAY-LLAY, CHILE (AFP) – From her professional gaming chair at home in a small village, […]
, 30, 2023 - Norseman Silver Inc. is pleased to announce it has secured an exclusive option to acquire 100% of the Caballos Copper Project, located in the Valparaiso Region of Chile, from Asesorias y Inversiones J.V&A. Ltda and Inversiones y. - Veroeffentlicht am 30.11.2023
From hat-tricks to skateboard heelflips, more than a dozen daring Irish people are among the 2,638 listed in the latest edition of the Guinness World Records book.