Homeowners want back the $240,000 they paid for an unfinished pool project, and a management company says a band owes $327,000. (BizSense Pro required)
Clinton Village Meeting Minutes February 9, 2021 Clinton Village Meeting Minutes February 9, 2021 Thursday, 25 February 2021 08:16
Roll call present Roy Retzlaff Rex Retzlaff by teleconference Mary Shedeed Ron Shedeed Absent Dave Kayton
Notice was made of the posted open meeting laws.
Notice was also made that the posting of the meeting and the agenda on 1/10/2021 at the village building, at main St. and Clinton St. And at Main St and Moulton St was done for publication. A copy of the agenda was made available.
Minutes of last meeting were read and approved as read
Treasurer’s report was presented as follows checking balance 5,543.95
MMA. 15,504.85