And again give residents and Business Owners more options. This legislation is carefully crafted to provide people with options. Homeowners, businesses and residents will have more say in how they use their property and in the process we can activate ground floor spaces and restore green spaces and yards. My second item today is a hearing request. 2 weeks ago the Controllers Office through the great work of peg steven son released its annual citywide measurements report if if you havent read it and you have 16 or 17 hours of free time especially over our break, i highly encourage you to at least skim through it. Every department using a variety of performance metrics and many of which are unique to what the department does so you can use the percentage of 311 calls answered within 60 seconds or the total number of training hours the department of Human Resources delivered last year the report shows the early impacts of the federal Affordable Care act. We also see a dramatic increase in
Of these young people are only supporting themselves and their families still at risk of being deported in San Francisco we have a Robust Network of legal organizations offering free support for undocumented residents however its still a struggle for many young people and their families to pay for the fees and this can mean choosing between rent or tuition or food in order to maintain protection from deportation i agree with the Youth Commissioners that ask these young people for additional 465 just just 2 years after being approved can be an economic burden therefore im working with the budget and legal analysts for recipients struggling to pay for their renewal fees and supporting the renewal fees for the approximate number of residents under one million for the next year. I really want to commend as earlier supervisor mar and kim were talking about young people here it is again young people bringing some awareness to their board of supervisors i want to commend the Youth Commission
Right. And this is Crocker Amazon as basketball and open play and le grande halfcourt. The reason i bring this up, i dont think 250,000 for a onetime expenditure will be enough. This is just one district and there are several districts throughout the city, and i think this is probably a need for annual expenditures which is what i am suggesting for my supervisor and i hope that is also amended when this goes forward as well. Also, on the second item, which is the lower crocker area converting the dirt lot this has been a problematic areas since the soccer fields have gone in. There are cars parking on the right. We would like to see landscaping rather than extended parking, which has been suggested, paving. Because there mclarens is right on the edge, but if you add more parking there will just be more problems, damaging the sprinklers and the grounds and that is a drain that has been destroyed. So i would prefer whatever the details are, that they include landscaping. Thank you. Thank
Rosa lost her fight against cancer this week but i remind everyone that she left very specific instructions that no one is to wear black at her funeral because she wants to be remembered for for for for for for her vibrant cy and wearing of color color. Speaking spanish. Rooufrjs. Speaking in spanish. If its okay with my colleagues id like the family to say a brief couple of words. Without objection colleagues, the floor is yours. Speaking in spanish. Good afternoon. To the president and board of supervisors i want to say thank you for the time you have given us today especially supervisor campos. Id also like to thank you for the hard work you do here. My mother was a good woman to her family. Also she was very political. She used to go around and talk to people about political campaigns in the city and also she was a member of the union for the elders in sf, u. S. W and a lot of meetings and a lot of trips going to sacramento and fighting for the benefits of the elderly. So my mother
Good morning. Welcome welcome to the sfovrdz, mrufks im supervisor wiener the chairman of the committee to my right is supervisor jane kim our Committee Vice chair and supervisor cowen will be joining us shortly our clerk is is filling in andrea ashbury and electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the january 27th board of supervisors agenda otherwise stated. Were joined by supervisor president tang the second item on the agenda item one. A resolution authorizing the Real Property from bridge way for the nominal cost of one dollars and supervisor cowen is the author of item one. This is a good today, im excited colleagues thanks for hearing this this gives the city to inquire raymond avenue as the Visitacion Valley Community Center for over washington, d. C. Years the city is an important asset to the community especially the seniors we unfortunately lost the building to foreclosure