It is time once again to go behind the scenes at Lake Superior Zoo to learn more about one of their attractions The Pallas cat named Pabu. This beautiful animal is housed in the Nocturnal building at the Lake Superior Zoo which is now open to the public again. This small wild cat can be found in cold and hilly areas in Central Asia and Western China.
Pallas cats like some household cats are solitary animals, meaning they like to be on their own and enjoy their own space. They are about the size of an average house cat but seem to be much larger due to their long dense coat. Pabu seems to like to watch guests as they visit some of the exhibits near them like the Prehensile-tailed porcupine but will quickly retreat when approached.
the important point is what we said before. tomorrow is national youth enrollment day. the system is going to shut down when they try to get these tech savvy millennials to sign on and get coverage. they don t even bear it. wouldn t you be embarrassed if national youth day and you re in charge and you re shutting us down for two days? you point out the valentine s day promotion. i think this value gimmick is going to go the way of pajama boy. it s to get young people to sign upnd early indications are that older folks are signing up and this thing totally relies, totally relies on young people and healthy people and most of them aren t doing it because they re young and invincible but also because of the costs and problems with the health care law. so so when rick is the kaboom? i asked susan earlier, i said what point? when are the prices going to go
said before. tomorrow is national youth enrollment day. the system is going to shut down when they try to get these tech savvy millennials to sign on and get coverage. they don t even bear it. wouldn t you be embarrassed if national youth day and you re in charge and you re shutting us down for two days? you point out the valentine s day promotion. i think this value gimmick is going to go the way of pajama boy. it s to get young people to sign upnd early indications are that older folks are signing up and this thing totally relies, totally relies on young people and healthy people and most of them aren t doing it because they re young and invincible but also because of the costs and problems with the health care law. so so when rick is the kaboom? i asked susan earlier, i said what point? when are the prices going to go