just at the time franklin was contemplating that little problem. got a phone call from an i.t. technician at the medical center. just out of the blue? that is where the office was that stacey managed. the job there was clearing the drunken from employee email accounts. he noticed that stacey s inbox for friday, saturday, sunday had been completely cleaned out. curious, that was the very weekend of the murder. so he thought enough to give us a call. was stacy, the scrub house leader hiding something? where did you hit the lee. of course, all of those deleted files had been backed up. so they got a warrant, collected all of stacey s emails, not just from that weekend, 4000 emails long. it was quite a task. a lot of it was spam. except to emails scene, they
call. i had no idea. if the color called anybody, it should show up in the tower record of outgoing cell calls. four major carriers on the tower, thousands of calls. but, what number should look for? why not try hunch he had all along. stacey s involved somehow. you have this third vehicle at the scene, you have overkill with the way richard died. so, based on all of those things, a murder for hire starts crossing your. mine franklin s idea was to compare the numbers tower on the phone numbers on stacy s personal contactless. the best source of information, i felt i, had was stacey s contactless. it was 250 contacts, i think. so, if you can find any phone call coming from the crime scene that happened to be on her contactless, that would give you a big yes, that would give me some direction. a lot of numbers to compare. but then he got lucky. really lucky! maybe 150 numbers into a search,
likely it was years but we don t know they round the van number, found the car, stacey had sold it by then. and one behold, it s going to so, at that point, i was confident that i found the car that richard was killed for. which is great. except, who was in? no idea. the tech to franklin was still stuck. so, he took a long shot. he asked for something called a tower dump. an information dump, that, is from the cell tower on the form near the crime scene. i subpoenaed all calls that generated from the tower services in belton bridge park from the night of the murder, from about 7 pm tonight. 30 till 9:30, because, that is when stacey arrived and found richard. why start looking at 7 pm? it was apparent to me that the gunman laid in wait for richard. and so, my way of thinking, was if he sitting there waiting in the secluded dark place at, night he s gonna sit there and tell the or maybe he ll make a phone
kids were being harmed. stacy said that she believed richard was molesting her sons. that they were acting out and there was something one of them told her. you don t know what he does to me when you are not here. that kind of stuff stuck in my brain for sure. to her, there was just one solution. i did not want please, i did not want to divorce, i just wanted him dead. and so here it was, her reason for murder. stacy said that she had been molested as a child repeatedly and ashley knew what it was like. having lived through that, i was never going to let it happen to my kids. did you ask the boys? not directly enough. not that. i have since. it was after her arrest, her sons asked her why, but would make you want to hurt him.