like my family would still be in harm. so maybe bobbi was still afraid of dial. or maybe she had other reasons for saying she was not cooperating with law enforcement. along with her odd statement, deputies were finding odd things in that trailer. they picked up a lot of cards, like valentine cards, christmas cards. letters. valentines? yes. which just fueled the suspicions a lot of people had harbored all along. you don t buy the victim narrative on any level? not for a minute. a whole new ordeal was about to begin. was the victim now a suspect? coming up oh, my gosh. this cannot be happening. when dateline continues. i have moderate to severe crohn s disease. now, there s skyrizi. things are looking up
next to her? she did not sound stressed to me, at all. according to an oklahoma district attorney, john wampler, that conversation fit a pattern. there was just multiple opportunities that she had to make some effort to contact the authorities. or to tell somebody that she needed help. how could you be gone from your children for 11 years and never contact them? or never and make an attempt? and now, as deputies searched the trailer were dial and bobbi had lived, they were finding evidence suggesting that maybe it took so long to find bobbi, because she didn t want to be found. there were cards. valentine s day cards and things like that that she had given randolph dial. they also developed a roll of film which showed photos of bobbi, smiling. hardly the picture of an abused woman being held against her will.
Here's a story that will warm your heart! Older residents and shut-ins in Petaluma are once again getting hand-made Valentine's Day cards. The Petaluma People