The Peace Field Farm developers have asked the Environmental Division of Vermont Superior Court to remand ongoing Act 250 permitting deliberations back to t .
WOODSTOCK The town one day might see fit to change its name to Foodstock.The farm-to-fork food movement that is a growing attraction in Vermont’s travel economy is poised to get a boost in Woodstock, with an agreement reportedly in place to allow a.
WOODSTOCK Fiery debate over the future of accessory on-farm restaurants has prompted the resignation of the town’s planning commission chair.In a public hearing Friday morning on a petitioned amendment to Woodstock’s zoning rules that would allow.
Note to developers in the Upper Valley: It’s a risky idea to build a project without first getting the required permits, even when you think you are legally in the right.Otherwise you might wind up in the uncomfortable position of John Holland, a.
Note to developers in the Upper Valley: It’s a risky idea to build a project without first getting the required permits, even when you think you are legally in the right.Otherwise you might wind up in the uncomfortable position of John Holland, a.