For Kim Langmaid, serving on the Vail Town Council for the last eight years was not only a natural progression of her public service, but also a continuation of her family’s legacy in the town..
It has been great to see everyone return to Vail Mountain after opening for the winter season. It’s always a pleasure to see so many familiar faces enjoying the hill, and it reminds me of.
After the Vail Town Council approved the $17.5 million purchase of the Vail Resorts’ owned parcel in East Vail, the council is now looking at options to restore its fund balances over the coming years..
After the Vail Chamber & Business Association candidate forum at Donovan Pavilion, one of the attendees approached me with a question that thrust my candidacy into sharp relief: “If the young people care so much.
Re-elect Jonathan Staufer to the Vail Town Council. Jonathan’s record speaks for itself. In his first term on the Vail Town Council, Jonathan served with a commitment to preserve the unique qualities that made this.